Friday, 5 October 2007

Fingerless gloves

Made from mohair cotton mix without pattern
I have a huge stash of this stuff both in blue and green and didnt know what to do with it.
Then after a few searches through some websites, i came across some pictures of fingerless gloves then picked up my needle size 5m and started to crochet.
As they were my first attempt they are not shaped around the wrist they have a loop effect to them around the bottom which i was going to do all over but changed my mind and just did one round for decoration.
The hardest part was the fingers on the second glove they didnt look right or even the same as the first but after a few attempts they are more or less the same now.
They took around two evenings to do......... so around 4-6 hours.
I dont have any pictures of the process but im due to start on some for my little sister for christmas
Hugs and Bubbles

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